Jacob Kristensen

I am a Web Developer from Denmark with a diverse skill set and a passion for technology.

Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Web Development at Zealand, where I am honing my skills and diving deep into React.



2016 — Developer and Writer

Beamtic started as a tutorial site for web developers. The site is based on a custom developed CMS, and has been rebuilt from the ground-up a few times.

Since the advance of AI, people tend to not use tutorial sites much, and as a result the site has lost most of its search engine traffic. Nowadays I run the site more like a personal blog, with a broader focus on subjects that interest me.

Tech: PHP, SASS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Docker, Redis, MySQL and MariaDB, Python

PHP Photo Gallery

2017 — Developer

A photo gallery based on PHP's built-in functionality, modern CSS, HTML and JavaScript.

GitHub: https://github.com/beamtic/php-photo-gallery

Tech: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS


2024 — Developer

Created my own simple environment for testing and development consisting of a web server, phpMyAdmin, MariaDB, PHP-FPM. Basically whatever I use and need the most.

GitHub: https://github.com/Turbulentarius/sandboxer

Tech: Docker, GNU/Linux, Apache, PHP-FPM, PHP 8+, phpMyAdmin, MariaDB


2024 — Developer

I created a Docker environment used to manage various self-hosted applications that I use, including Beamtic and Nextcloud.

The environment is custom built on top of Alpine Linux and makes use of Traefik for plug-and-play simplicity and enhanced security.

Tech: Docker, GNU/Linux, Traefik